The Wolf's Mouth

Two excerpts of re-imagined fairytales.

Workshopped in 2021, during "Paroles et Musique" with the Opéra Orchestre National Montpellier Occitanie. Here, Little Red Riding Hood is imagined from the perspectives of the girl and the wolf in settings by Mathilda du Tillieul McNicol and Ewa Rucinska.

… wouldn’t you have done the same? …

The scenes are presented firstly from the perspective of Little Red Riding Hood - In Bocca di Lupo - and subsequently from the perspective of the wolf in - The Wolf’s Mouth.


Excerpt 1: In Bocca di Lupo

For percussion and alto.
Libretto by Mathilda du Tillieul McNicol.
Music by Kirsten Milenko.

Excerpt 2: The Wolf’s Mouth

For tenor and violoncello.
Libretto by Ewa Rucinska.
Music by Kirsten Milenko.